Photographing the Eiffel Tower at night is illegal?


Different strokes for different folks. Of course, things are different in other countries. Football anyone? But some differences aren’t just cultural. Ever gotten a ticket for driving on the wrong side of the road?  Here are a few oddities that seem perfectly fine to us, but might get you fined, or possibly jailed in other countries. At the very least, you’ll be reinforcing the “American tourist” label!

Believe it or not, it is illegal to photograph the Eiffel Tower after dark. I know what you’re thinking – no way am I going to Paris and not taking a photo of the tower all lit up. And, how can it be illegal to photograph a public entity, anyway? It’s a copyright issue – the light designer deserves compensation for his artistic work. So, go ahead and click away, even share your shots with your friends. Just don’t use the photos for commercial purposes.

OK, you’ve probably heard that you can’t chew gum in Singapore. But, did you know you can’t even bring it into the country? If you are using gum for medicinal purposes, such as nicotine addiction, you’ll be allowed to bring it with you IF you have your doctor’s prescription with you. Otherwise forget it. Fines range from $500 - $100K, and sometimes jail time if you’re suspected of importing with the intent to sell.


Feeding the pigeons in the Piazzo San Marco have produced some of the most iconic photographs of Vienna. I confess, I’ve never understood the affinity of letting these birds roost on me. The ick factor of these dirty scavengers on my person is just too high. Not that I’m averse to take photos of someone else willing to try it! But, regardless of your personal thoughts, it is no longer legal to feed the pigeons in San Marco Square.

Want to celebrate Tet by blasting your sibling with a SuperSoaker? Anyone who imports, sells, or even plays with water guns in Phnom Penh, Cambodia during New Year celebrations will have them confiscated. “And if the offenders are stubborn, detain them for education.” Now I don’t know about you, but required education in Cambodia isn’t on my bucket list.

Always dreamed of letting it out on the autobahn in Germany? Don’t run out of gas. It’s only a ticket level offense €70 – 100), but do you want to suffer the disdainful glares and eye-rolls you’ll receive from other drivers?

And last, but not least - Speedos only in France’s pools for the guys. Baggy trunks and board shorts.are ‘prohibitif’. They’re also called “grandma’s knickers” by the locals. That should be enough to discourage anyone from wearing them!

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