New Year

Holiday Travel Survival Guide


Can you name the three busiest travel days of the year, in order? (Answers are below)

It’s that most wonderful time of the year. Sleigh rides, mistletoe, pumpkin pie, roasting turkey, family reunions, and….. holiday travel. Gulp.

Thanksgiving to New Year is the busiest travel stretch of the year. And the week of Thanksgiving is unrivaled for the number of people taking to the skies. But, holiday travel doesn’t have to turn you into a Scrooge. With a little planning and the right attitude, you can survive any crowded airport or travel delay the season brings your way.


Early, early, early to the airport. There is no such thing as too early for holiday travel. If all is seamless, you’ll enjoy a croissant and coffee as you watch fellow passengers stress out. If the security line is longer than expected or you run into a traffic delay en-route to the airport, you’ll have a safety cushion built in.

Take advantage of all possible shortcuts. Check in on line – and make sure your cell number is in your ticketing record. Print your boarding pass or download it to your phone. Avoid parking at the airport – taxi, Uber, or have a friend drop you off. Pre-program necessary numbers into your phone so they are handy - airline, car rental, hotels, family/friends. Download the airlines’ app - there isn’t a faster way to get updates if you are delayed.

Pack light. Ship the gifts ahead; don’t bring them with you. If you only have a carry-on, you’ll save the time and cost of luggage check and collection. You’ll avoid the stress of a misplaced bag. And, you won’t worry about what the luggage handlers broke when they dropped a bowling ball on your bag.


Stay well-fed. Low blood sugar will make you cranky and stress you even more. Bring some nutritious snacks (no – gummies and goldfish crackers do not qualify) to munch on. Enjoy a meal during that long layover I recommended you build into your holiday flight schedule!

Keep your sense of humor. It’s crowded, flights are full, delays are inevitable, tempers are short. But, hey, it’s the holidays. Smile. Take a deep breath. Relax. Enjoy.

Answers, in order:

  1. Sunday after Thanksgiving (Nov 26)
  2. Wednesday before Thanksgiving (Nov 22)
  3. Friday before Thanksgiving (Nov 17)

Are you planning to travel during the holiday season this year?

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Say No to New Year Resolutions

Here we are at the start of a New Year – which means New Year Resolutions. Really? Again? Ugh.  Another chance to fail, right? I don’t know about you but I still haven’t lost 10 lbs (which now is 20), read War and Peace, or cleaned out my attic (actually, I solved this particular “resolution” one year by moving and leaving the attic untouched :)). I could go on and on and on and…. 

Except, I gave up New Year Resolutions years ago – and black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day (it’s a Southern tradition, I hated it and them). Now I have intentions. Much more positive, right? Plus, no failures. I intend to do something; if I don’t quite make it, it’s okay. Don’t you love my logic?

So, back to topic. Here are a few of my Travel Intentions for 2017:

1) Fly First or Business Class when flying internationally. It’s not just the extra space and amenities, but it lets me be one of the first off the plane – which means front of the line to get through customs. Also, most airlines allow first/business class international passengers to use their lounges even if they aren’t members. I can grab a snack, drink, even a shower while waiting for the next flight. And being able to stretch out flat during a long flight can facilitate sleep. Every little bit helps when fighting jet lag. Life is short. I deserve it. I’ll discuss in a future article how to score low-cost upgrades.

2) Visit at least one new destination, each year. I guess this is a multi-year intention, but this is the first year for me to actually count it! I am planning to go to Australia/New Zealand this year. BTW, this is one of the reasons I have number one on my list – 12 hours in coach? Nope!

This destination has been on my bucket list for a long time and one I keep putting off because of the time required to do the trip justice. Sydney, Blue Mountains, Outback, Great Coral Reef, Fjordland National Park, Wellington, Auckland. Can’t wait!

3) Enjoy the journey – all of it. The anticipation, the travel, the sites I see, the people I meet, the food, , reviewing and sorting thru the photos and memorabilia when I return home, even packing and unpacking. I’m a detail person (that’s why I’m so good at travel planning), and a little on the Type A side. Okay, a LOT on the Type A side. Sometimes I get so caught up in the details, I forget to enjoy the experience! Not this year.

These are a few of my travel intentions – not resolutions. What are yours? I’d love to hear them.