

Wherever I travel, I try to learn a few basic words or phrases in the language of the country I’m visiting. I’m not a linguist. In fact, when it comes to foreign languages I’m “tone deaf”. Well intended, but abysmal at pronunciation. Sometimes I feel I’m causing more confusion with my poor language skills than if I didn’t try at all! In spite of my impairment, I have learned a few new words over the years. Some have even stuck with me past my travels.

My favorite word, so far, is “Prego!”

Isn’t that a great word? It can express so many different things and yet it is just an everyday word in Italy. It’s one of those words that doesn’t really translate exactly. But, it works so well in so many situations. I think the word most similar in the US is “okay”.

“Okay” can mean agreement, acknowledgment, enthusiasm or sarcasm depending on the situation. “Prego” is like that. But, “okay” seems dull compared to “Prego”. And, “Prego” seems to have more uses.

Maybe it’s that fabulous accent that goes with it. Or the ambience? After all, everything looks, tastes, and sounds better in Italian, right?  I don’t know, but I fell in love with “Prego!”

  • “Thank you for helping me.”
    • “Prego!” Your welcome.
  •  “Do you have tables available for lunch?”
    • “Prego!” Come in. Have a seat.
  • “Look, there’s a parking space right up front.”
    • “Prego!” Outstanding.
  • “I know I’m not supposed to drink cappuccino in the afternoon, but I’m dying to try one.”
    • “Prego!” Whatever. (This may or may not be accompanied with an eye roll, depending on the sincerity of the speaker!)

What is your favorite word that just works for any situation?